When will my basket arrive?

Once you click on the "Checkout" button and provide your shipping address, you'll have the opportunity to choose from various shipping options, each displaying the estimated number of business days it will take for your order to arrive.

For last-minute shoppers who like to keep things exciting, we're offering exclusive discounts on our Express Shipping options.

🚚 Important Shipping Notice:

🔍 To help us help you: Please double-check the addresses before placing your order. This small step can prevent additional fees and delays, ensuring your gift basket arrives on time and without extra hassle.


⚠️ Incomplete or incorrect addresses can cause delays!


If your address is incomplete or inaccurate, the package may be returned to us. This can result in additional return and reshipping fees.

To prevent this, please double-check your address before ordering. Missing apartment numbers, buzzer codes, PO Box omissions, or incorrect postal codes can lead to complications. Your attention to this detail ensures your gift basket arrives on time, hassle-free. Thank you! 🎁📦